Journal d’un usager de l’espace
In Journal d'un usager de l'espace, you travel through the Kaaitheater building in a different way. Visible and invisible singers take you from one space to another, immersing you in an ever-changing sound bath.
This performance is based on the book Espèces d'espaces, in which Georges Perec describes the most banal findings about the space around us, sometimes in a very factual way, sometimes poetically or philosophically. Together with the HYOID voices and composer Maija Hynninen, choreographer Benjamin Vandewalle explores space and architecture in a similar way. Journal d'un usager de l'espace is an immersion in the ordinary beauty of space, sound, architecture and movement.
• Benjamin Vandewalle, artist-in-residence at Kaaitheater since 2017 and always looking for new perspectives and experiences. Among other things Walking the Line, Birdwatching 4x4 and the installations Peri-Sphere, Inter-View and Studio Cité were part of Kaaitheater programme. Vocal ensemble HYOID specialises in contemporary music and does not hesitate to question traditional concert formats.
concept Benjamin Vandewalle – Hyoid voices – Maija Hynninen | choreography Benjamin Vandewalle | singers/performers Hyoid voices (Fabienne Seveillac & Andreas Halling) | music composition Maija Hynninen | technical coordination Centre Henri Pousseur | lighting design Lucas Van Haesbroeck | costumes Moni Wespi | horns De Machienerie | executive production Caravan Production | residencies Kaaitheater, Walter Werkplaats, STUK, Concertgebouw Brugge, deFENIKS - Walpurgis, deBijloke | co-production Kaaitheater, Madetoja Foundation, Centre Henri Pousseur, Concertgebouw Brugge, Platform 0090 | support Cohort productions, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie | thanks to Peter Jacquemyn, Alice Van der Wielen
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