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Non-Discrimination Policy

The employees of Kaaitheater treat each other with respect and do not discriminate based on gender, any so-called race, skin colour, nationality or ethnic origin, social origin, religion or philosophy of life, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, pregnancy, childbirth, maternity, wealth, marital status, political belief, trade union belief, current or future health condition, disability, a physical or genetic characteristic, birth, language or age.

In the performance of their duties, employees shall be alert to unwanted and prohibited distinctions between persons and to the possible discriminatory effects of certain statements, actions, behaviours or measures. 

Should such distinctions and/or discriminatory effects nevertheless occur, colleagues shall address the person(s) involved and inform the supervisor or the designated confidential advisor.

At all times and through all layers of the organisation, employees must feel supported in not participating in discrimination and in standing up against it. 

Preventing discrimination starts with the conduct of managers being a good example. Managers make the subject accessible and discussable. They create an environment in which employees always feel free and safe to report any abuse. 

Employees of Kaaitheater also act according to the provisions of this clause towards external organisations, visitors, partners. Kaaitheater also commits to informing visitors, suppliers, customers and others that it will not take into account any questions or wishes of a discriminatory nature.

Kaaitheater makes the necessary efforts to provide equal opportunities for everyone in recruitment, training and advancement.

Kaaitheater commits itself to making adjustments, as far as reasonable, at the request of people with disabilities, in order to neutralise the limiting influence of an unadapted environment on the participation of a person with a disability.

Dealing with People and Resources Correctly

Kaaitheater is committed to creating a healthy, welcoming and respectful environment for everyone involved in achieving our mission. To achieve this, we actively pursue an integrity policy and consistently translate the values and principles of non-discrimination, fair practice and good governance into practice. We do this throughout our operations, both in our internal and external collaborations.

As an institute, Kaaitheater has an important task in providing a framework for current social themes (such as climate change, the decolonisation debate, the #metoo movement, etc.), which call for reflection, reaction and translation into practice. We are aware that Kaaitheater is just as much a product of a specific context and a particular history, which itself demands reflection and awareness. Procedures and principles form the basis, but it is our actions that count. We realize that there are blind spots and that we sometimes miss the mark. As an organisation, we want to learn continuously and we are open to feedback and suggestions on how to comply with the principles below even better.

Integrity Policy

Kaaitheater recognizes that the effects of racism, sexism and other systemic prejudices and biases are deeply embedded in our society, including the world of culture in which we operate. Kaaitheater does not tolerate any inappropriate or transgressive behaviour, violence or abuse of power. We actively work to create a climate where everyone feels treated with respect and where there is room for difference. We are taking structural measures to do this.

  • We translate our vision for respectful behaviour into a code of conduct, in which we concretely state what transgressive behaviour is and what someone can do when confronted with it. We adopt a learning attitude in this respect and we comply with the guidelines.
    Here you can read our Guidelines for being together at Kaaitheater
  • At regular intervals, we organise information sessions for the team's employees, including the evening shift, during which we explain Kaaitheater's integrity policy.
  • We make experiences of inappropriate and transgressive behaviour discussable by actively placing the subject on the agendas of our team consultation meetings.
  • Within Kaaitheater there are two confidants, different from each other, who are known and available.
  • We support Engagement and endorse the Call for engagement to end sexism in the arts.

Fair Practice

Kaaitheater wholeheartedly endorses the principles and practices of Juist is Juist where solidarity, transparency, sustainability and responsibility are pursued at all times and in all (artistic) collaborations. We value all work and use specific regulations only for their intended purpose, and that in the strictest sense. In negotiations we are aware of our (power) position. Kaaitheater provides written agreements in which all expectations and modalities are transparently communicated. We consistently start from legal and solidarity-based basic principles in negotiations. Kaaitheater insures employees and volunteers with a comprehensive insurance package. Payments of performances follow at least the CAO Performing Arts, and in the case of self-employed performers, at least the equivalent of the wage cost applies as a fee. We take into account the status of people from precarious groups with whom we work and always look for the most appropriate form of employment.

Good Governance

Kaaitheater implements the ten principles of good governance set out in the Arts Decree. These are anchored in our internal regulations, the framework of agreements between general management and the Board of Directors, the schedule of mandates, the delegation of powers and the competence matrix which describes both the balanced composition of the Board of Directors and the required competences of the directors. We have a procedure that calls for mediation and also describes what should happen if a solution is not found in the event of a conflict. Every two years, the board carries out a self-evaluation based on defined objectives and modalities. Working groups made up of employees, managers and members do preparatory work for the board, so that board themes can be developed in a well-founded and considered manner. Annual consultation between the general management and the general assembly is organized, where general policy and strategy of the organization is discussed and the necessary decisions are made.

Do you have any questions about this text or would you like to report something? You can do so at