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Deze website is eigendom van

Kaaitheater vzw
Akenkaai 2, 1000 Brussel

Door de toegang tot en het gebruik van de website verklaart u zich uitdrukkelijk akkoord met de volgende algemene voorwaarden.


Intellectuele eigendomsrechten

De inhoud van deze site, met inbegrip van de merken, logo’s, tekeningen, data, product- of bedrijfsnamen, teksten, beelden e.d. zijn beschermd door intellectuele rechten en behoren toe aan het Kaaitheater of rechthoudende derden.


Beperking van aansprakelijkheid

De informatie op de website is van algemene aard. De informatie is niet aangepast aan persoonlijke of specifieke omstandigheden, en kan dus niet als een persoonlijk, professioneel of juridisch advies aan de gebruiker worden beschouwd.

Het Kaaitheater levert grote inspanningen opdat de ter beschikking gestelde informatie volledig, juist, nauwkeurig en bijgewerkt zou zijn. Ondanks deze inspanningen kunnen onjuistheden zich voordoen in de ter beschikking gestelde informatie. Indien de verstrekte informatie onjuistheden zou bevatten of indien bepaalde informatie op of via de site onbeschikbaar zijn, zal het Kaaitheater de grootst mogelijke inspanning leveren om dit zo snel mogelijk recht te zetten.

Het Kaaitheater kan evenwel niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor rechtstreekse of onrechtstreekse schade die ontstaat uit het gebruik van de informatie op deze site.

Indien u onjuistheden zou vaststellen in de informatie die via de site ter beschikking wordt gesteld, kan u de beheerder van de site contacteren.

De inhoud van de site (links inbegrepen) kan te allen tijde zonder aankondiging of kennisgeving aangepast, gewijzigd of aangevuld worden. Het Kaaitheater geeft geen garanties voor de goede werking van de website en kan op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijk gehouden worden voor een slechte werking of tijdelijke (on)beschikbaarheid van de website of voor enige vorm van schade, rechtstreekse of onrechtstreekse, die zou voortvloeien uit de toegang tot of het gebruik van de website.

Het Kaaitheater kan in geen geval tegenover wie dan ook, op directe of indirecte, bijzondere of andere wijze aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor schade te wijten aan het gebruik van deze site of van een andere, inzonderheid als gevolg van links of hyperlinks, met inbegrip, zonder beperking, van alle verliezen, werkonderbrekingen, beschadiging van programma's of andere gegevens op het computersysteem, van apparatuur, programmatuur of andere van de gebruiker.

De website kan hyperlinks bevatten naar websites of pagina's van derden, of daar onrechtstreeks naar verwijzen. Het plaatsen van links naar deze websites of pagina’s impliceert op geen enkele wijze een impliciete goedkeuring van de inhoud ervan.

Het Kaaitheater verklaart uitdrukkelijk dat zij geen zeggenschap heeft over de inhoud of over andere kenmerken van deze websites en kan in geen geval aansprakelijk gehouden worden voor de inhoud of de kenmerken ervan of voor enige andere vorm van schade door het gebruik ervan.


Toepasselijk recht en bevoegde rechtbanken

Het Belgisch recht is van toepassing op deze site. In geval van een geschil zijn enkel de rechtbanken van het arrondissement, waar de zetel van het Kaaitheater gevestigd is, bevoegd.

Privacy policy

Kaaitheater takes the protection of your privacy very seriously. The personal information that we collect is used in accordance with the stipulations of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 27 April 2016. This privacy declaration came into force on 24 May 2018. Any future updates will be published at



Whenever you buy a ticket, purchase something in our web shop, register for one of our events, change your preferences on our website, tell us your story, or communicate with us, you provide us with personal information. We likewise store your information when you register for our newsletter.

We will keep a record of your purchasing history, but will never save your card number.

We keep a record of the emails that we send you and may track whether you receive or open them so that we can send you the most relevant information. We also monitor subsequent online actions, such as when you buy a ticket, for example.

Just like most other websites, we receive and store certain information when you visit our website. We use ‘cookies’ that help us to improve our site and your user experience. The use of cookies ensures that a website remembers you as a user. They also make online transactions possible. They help us to understand how you use our website, how we can improve it, and how we can optimize the way we inform you and all our other visitors about programmes that may interest you..

The cookies we use enable us to:

  • Save your purchases;
  • Collect user statistics (google analytics);
  • Save your language preferences;
  • Offer you the opportunity to share webpages on social media.

If the settings of your internet browser disable the use of cookies, some of the functions of our website will not work.

Kaaitheater may receive your personal information from other sources, for example if a family member or friend contacts us on your behalf. We may combine information that you give us with information from external sources in order to tailor our emails to your interests.

These sources are:

Social media

We post newsletters, extra content and updates about our programmes on social media. We respond to comments or questions that you ask us on social media. You may also see advertisements from us that are tailored to your interests.

Depending on your settings or the privacy policy of social media and message services (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or Vimeo) you can supply third parties (such as Kaaitheater) with access to information about your accounts or services.

Publicly available information

Examples include information from a biography on your professional website or information that has been published in articles or newspapers.



Your personal information is saved and processed on systems maintained by Kaaitheater or systems that are maintained by service providers on behalf of Kaaitheater. We use a CRM system (customer relationship management) to store your contact information and an overview of your contacts Kaaitheater, such as ticket purchases, season tickets, donations, memberships, questions, complaints, and participation in specific programmes. We endeavour to save all this information in one account per customer.

Your information is always stored securely. Access to customer information is monitored very strictly. The CRM system is only accessible to those who need it for their professional activities. Certain information, such as sensitive information, is only made available to members of staff who have professional reasons to use it.

Your personal information is stored until four years after the last production your attended.

In the event that the police, legal authorities or legal advisors ask us for your information, we are obliged to provide them with certain data.



When we collect your information, we prioritize transparency and reasonableness. On the basis of legitimate interest, we use this information to inform you about our programmes, products, services or information in which you have expressed an interest.

When you make purchases or make bookings for a programme, we collect your name, contact information and – in the event that you make a payment – your banking or credit card information. In some cases, we may also ask for your age or gender.

Tickets to our productions are personal and the information that we collect is required for, among other things, sending you your ticket(s), access control, determining correct pricing, service mails (before or after your visit) and to contact you in the event of programming changes or cancelations.

We may also collect information about how you use our services (including our website) in order to analyse our customer file and improve our processes.

Kaaitheater takes photos and makes film and audio recordings for promotional purposes. We may use them on our website, social media accounts and other platforms. We invoke legitimate interest to do so. We will, for example, ask for specific permission in the case of impactful applications and to those who appear in such photos or recordings prominently, but not for the use of group photos or to those who do not appear in such materials or for internal use.


You are in control

With your permission, we will inform you about our programmes, productions and news. We may sometimes also send you information about partner institutions, organizations with which we collaborate or organizations that support us. You can choose how you would prefer us to contact you when you buy a ticket online: by telephone, or via email to You can deregister from our marketing emails at any time. You will find a link to do so at the bottom of every email that you receive from us.

We will never sell your personal information to third parties for any purpose whatsoever. We will only share your information for marketing purposes if you give us explicit permission to do so. If we organize an event in collaboration with another organization, your information will be shared if necessary for the organization of a production or programme.

If you have chosen not to receive marketing communications, we may still contact you, for example to provide you with important information about a production for which you have booked tickets or to inform you in the event of programming changes.


Third parties

Kaaitheater presents a number of productions or programmes in cooperation with other organizations, including AB, Atelier 210, Ars Musica, Bozar, Bronks, CC De Factorij, CC Strombeek, CC Westrand, Charleroi/Danse, deBuren, De Kriekelaar, De Munt/La Monnaie, Europalia, Globe Aroma, Hallen Van Schaarbeek, Klarafestival, KVS, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Moussem, Rosas, het TheaterFestival, Théâtre Varia, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, VUB/Crosstalks,... etc. We may inform them about your booking and share your name and contact information with them. We will not share any sensitive information or payment information with them.

In the event of a specific action, personal information may occasionally be shared with Kaaitheater’s structural media partners. This will happen no more than twice per year. Our current media partners are De Standaard, BRUZZ and Klara.

Kaaitheater will not communicate any personal information to third parties located outside the EU.



We sometimes ask you to provide us with sensitive information, such as when you book tickets for certain productions, participate in certain activities or apply for a job. As in the case of all other personal information, this sensitive information will be stored securely and it will only be accessible to those who need this information. We will delete this sensitive information when we no longer need it.



You have the following rights with respect to your personal information:

  • The right to request a copy of your personal information;
  • The right to correct inaccuracies;
  • The right to request that we stop processing your personal information;
  • The right to rescind your permission;
  • The right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commission;



If you have any questions about our privacy policy or information that we have stored about you, you can contact us:

  • By post: Kaaitheater vzw – Akenkaai 2 – 1000 Brussels | BE0418.716.633
  • By email:
  • By telephone: 02/201 58 58 (office hours)