Socrates – the ‘father of philosophy’ and teacher of Plato – was a thorn in the side of the Athenians. He made them think by ironically questioning their assumptions. They did not take kindly to this and in his seventieth year, he was convicted and sentenced to death by drinking hemlock. In this theatre monologue, Bruno Vanden Broecke plays one of the most legendary philosophers in history. A few hours before his death, he reflects on his life and thought. This production demonstrates that 2400 years later, Socrates’ contributions to philosophy are still as relevant as ever.
• Socrates was the first philosopher’s monologue that Stefaan Van Brabandt wrote and directed, and it was previously staged at Kaaitheater in 2015. Later this autumn, you can also see the reprise of his second philosopher’s monologue, Marx.
concept, tekst & regie Stefaan Van Brabandt | spel Bruno Vanden Broecke | productie De Verwondering | coproductie Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, Arenbergschouwburg | dramaturgie Wannes Gyselinck | techniek Dimitri Joly
(gratis) inleiding door Stefaan Van Brabandt om 20:00