Which thinker has left a greater mark on world history than the founder of socialism and communism? Which philosopher has sown more division? Depending on the interpretation of his words, Karl Marx has been vilified and worshipped, rejected and celebrated. To some, he is an idol and liberator, while to others he paved the way to hell.
Johan Heldenbergh-as-Marx reflects on an eventful life and body of thought. Where did he make mistakes? And where has he been proved right? Can his philosophy still be relevant and liberating? In times of uncertainty and growing inequality, Marx aims to be a confrontational, critical, and impassioned plea for freedom and human dignity.
• After the universally acclaimed theatre monologue Socrates (performed by Bruno Vanden Broecke), in 2018 theatremaker and philosopher Stefaan Van Brabandt made the next production in his series of philosopher monologues. Marx is played by Johan Heldenbergh (The Broken Circle Breakdown, De Helaasheid der dingen, Le Tout Nouveau Testament). This autumn, Marx and Socrates are returning to Kaaitheater.
tekst Stefaan Van Brabandt | spel Johan Heldenbergh | productie De Verwondering, Het Zuidelijk Toneel | coproductie Arenbergschouwburg Antwerpen | met de steun van het Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren
(gratis) inleiding door Stefaan Van Brabandt om 20:00