Dive into the IT’S EXTRA programme
Welcome to a degenerated utopia, a ticket to time travel: AN(A)KARA is a sci-fi TV variety show hosted by Gucci Chunk focusing on the late modernism of Turkey in relation to the city of Ankara, swaying back and forth between Orientalism and Westoxification. AN(A)KARA investigates the collapse and decay of an imaginary society with references to real absurdities like instruments of propaganda such as nationalist monuments and TV variety-morning shows of Turkey.
In AN(A)KARA , Göksu Kunak also explores the shift in time concepts: from kısmet, the idea that fate predetermines a person's path, to the clocked fast pace of neoliberalism and the friction in between. AN(A)KARA addresses the construction of modern societies and the losses this brings. Memories and confusions of a Muslim child appear as voices and objects speaking in the 1980s and 1990s. While the performance gives an overview of this distinctive era in recent Turkish history, Göksu Kunak simultaneously addresses the clichés and clashes about the East-and-West as well as (self-)censorship.
• Göksu Kunak (Ankara, 1985) is a writer, performer, and performance maker based in Berlin. Using queer methodologies and hybrid texts, Kunak’s work points out the problematics of hetero-patriarchal structures, while exploring Orientalism, self-Orientalization, as well as Eastern masculinities and their intertwinement with state governmentality.
presented by Kaaitheater
concept, performance, installation, costume and sound Göksu Kunak | dramaturgy Isabel Gatzke | light design Annegret Schalke | stage design Julian Weber | production Nara Virgens / Florian Greß | sound mastering Laure M. Hiendl | documentation Ethan Folk | special thanks to Mateusz Szymanówka and Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu | production Göksu Kunak | coproduction SOPHIENSÆLE | funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe
€ 22/19/16*/13/10
Van 19:00 tot 20:30 serveert Yala Na’akoul een buffet met traditionele gerechten uit de Levant, op basis van lokale seizoensproducten.