Iemand van ons
Warning: this show is cancelled to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus.
Who would you like to go to bed with?
And what would you talk about?
For this ‘remake’ of Iemand van ons (2005), Tristero has mobilized a seasoned cast with plenty of life experience. Reinhilde Decleir, Mark Verstraete, Janine Bischops, Bob De Moor, Kristin Arras and Kris Smet all get into a big bed together and talk about politics, love and life. With a great sense of humour, they ask one another personal questions, listen, toss and turn on the bed, and reveal their inner selves.
Iemand van ons is a production abounding in small and grandiose statements: the clichés, pronouncements and secrets come thick and fast. The actors disarmingly and mischievously offer a glimpse of their thoughts and private lives. A torrent of banal and interesting, incisive and vague statements reveals their humanity: vulnerable or strong, lonely or not, honest and phoney at the same time.
• The Brussels-based theatre collective Tristero specialize in wry comedies, contemporary staging, movement-based theatre or a mix of all of the above. Kristien De Proost, Youri Dirkx and Peter Vandenbempt made the ‘primal version’ of Iemand van ons in 2005. The original version was also staged at Kaaitheater, as is the vast majority of Tristero’s work.
met Reinhilde Decleir, Mark Verstraete, Janine Bischops, Bob De Moor, Kristin Arras, Kris Smet | concept & tekst Peter Vandenbempt | vormgeving Emma Denis | uitvoering decor Wing Nuts Decor | fotografie Youri Dirkx | techniek Bart Luypaert, Tom Bruwier | coproductie Kaaitheater & Perpodium | tourneeplanning & promotionele ondersteuning | met de steun van de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest & de Belgische Tax Shelter
+ een nagesprek op 27/03