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The moment we knew nothing about each other


The moment we knew nothing about each other (1992) by the Austrian author Peter Handke consists solely of stage directions; not a word is spoken. 'An empty space we call the stage; someone enters the stage while someone else watches'. This is how Peter Brook once defined the essence of theatre.

In this play, we, the audience, are sitting at the side of a square in a city - the Grand'Place in Brussels, for example - and watch the passers-by. Initially they trace out apparently abstract patterns in this open space, but in order to be able to identify them, we differentiate them from each other: by their dress, their bearing and their actions. On the basis of what we see we start to interpret and to fantasise.

The young Brussels director Ruud Gielens, familiar to us from Union Suspecte, Het Toneelhuis and the KVS, creates his 'image' of a city square on the basis of Handke's script, together with a large team of young professional actors (a.o. the Brussels based company Tristero), theatre and film students, enthusiastic volunteers and musicians. They give shape to the numerous characters and passers-by who make their appearance on the square. By interpreting Handke?s directions, Ann Weckx creates the many costumes and the composer Jan Goovaerts provides a musical setting. This is an exceptionally colourful and accessible show with lots of people, movement and music.

texte Peter Handke
mise en scène Ruud Gielens
musique Jan Goovaerts
costumes & accessoires Ann Weckx
jeu Simon Allemeersch, Nico Boon, Zouhaïr Ben Chikha, Katleen Geens, Chun Hee Lommelen, Iris Van Cauwenbergh, Geert Vandyck, Dries Beugels, Frederik Brants, Nicolas Delalieux, Ellen De Naeyer, Youri Dirkx, Peter Vandenbempt, Sarah Eisa, Philippe Liekens, Evelien Van Hamme, An Verstraete, Oma Boon
orchestre Jan Goovaerts, Rob Goovaerts, Jean-Pierre Hallet, Jan Van den Bosch, Nele Van den Broeck
chœur Tien Callaerts, Filip Coltura, Edouard De Boey, Veerle Krokaert, Anne Nys, Joke Smedts, Ria Turcksin, Ties Van Hooff, Jef Van Laeken
dramaturgie Marianne Van Kerkhoven
assistance à la dramaturgie et à la mise en scène Bart Capelle
stage dramaturgie Mui-Ling Verbist
conseil mouvements Haider Al Timimi
scénogaphie Ruud Gielens
réalisation costumes papageno Eva Maes, Marie Morel, Ann Weckx
technique & réalisation décor Inne Box, Piet De Koster, Guy Peeters, Luc Schaltin, Chris Segers, Frank Vandezande, Herman Venderickx, Mark Bisaerts (Kaaitheater)
photographie Kurt Van der Elst
production Kaaitheater
en collaboration avec Canaletto
remerciements à Karel Clamminck, Vigdis De Cauter, Anette De Wilde, Nathalie Douxfils, Jan-Joris Lamers, Bart Luypaert, Dett Peyskens, Stefka Vandenbemden, de ex-Sabeniens Paul Jano, Hans en Valérie Derie, Bloemen & Planten De Wilde, Clean-City, Costea, Dito'Dito, Nieuwpoorttheater, RITS, Vive La Nourriture