Benjamin Vandewalle
Benjamin Vandewalle (Belgium, 1983) graduated from P.A.R.T.S. in 2006. In his work he explores the perception of space and movement in a variety of contexts, both in the theatre and on location. He collaborates with the visual artist Erki De Vries, for example in Birdwatching (2009), One/Zero (2011) and Point of View (2013), all of which have been performed at Kaaitheater. He transformed Birdwatching into an on-location performance Birdwatching 4x4 (2012), which was performed during Festival Kanal and is still touring extensively. At Kaaitheater, he also presented Hear (2016), Peri-Sphere (during Performatik17) and Walking the Line (2017).
From 2017 to 2021 Benjamin Vandewalle is an artist in residence at Kaaitheater.