Please note: this show has been cancelled to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus.
You stand on the threshold of the age of the tree, the Dendrocene.
Behind you lies a world that you know. In front of you lies a world with a different cohesion.
You cannot simply leave yourself and your conceptions from the old world behind.
But you can leave behind the fear of doing that.
FOREST is a life-sized party game and radio play in one. It takes you away to a different world where the traditional relationships between people and nature are reconfigured. Now that trees have been canonized around the world, and felling or damaging them are equated with murder, the world will quickly be forested. And this has drastic consequences for the way we live. With nine fellow cast members by your side, and armed with cards, rules and audio fragments, you enter the game. Will you manage to build a new world order?
• Emke Idema is a theatre maker. Her previous work includes RULE and STRANGER, a game that was enthusiastically played by audiences at Kaaitheater. Like in a social laboratory, Idema’s work offers you the opportunity to reflect on your ideas and what you do and do not do, on precisely the issues where the personal and political intersect.
concept & tekst Emke Idema | productie Stichting Stranger i.s.m. Heelal BV | dramaturgie Guido Jansen, Hella Godee | geluidsvormgeving Arnoud Traa | vormgeving spel Judith Hofland | productieleiding José Schuringa | bouw app Sylvain Vriens | technische productie Lex Caboort & Brok decor | illustratie publiciteitsbeeld Micha Huigen | PR & marketing Henriëtte Olland (Heelal BV) | coproductie STRP, het Amsterdamse Bos | residenties Oerol, Over het IJ Festival | steun Fonds Podiumkunsten, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Bank Giro Loterij Fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds