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ALL. is a music theatre performance in which Lisa Verbelen tries to grasp something big (everything). Alone.
ALL. is about the fact that everything is complex.

Lisa doubts, changes perspectives, and zooms out while considering the following questions:
1. How can we deal with complexity that seems inevitable as soon as something starts to happen?
2. How can we change our way of thinking and with that the world, without simplifying?
3. Is that possible? Are we able to not simplify things?

These considerations manifest themselves in quite an ambitious performance with a moving stage, music, smoke and possibly a little dance.
Nothing is certain but it will be different than you think, and you will leave as a changed person.
(Although, if you do not come, you will change anyway.)
ALL. is part of Lisa’s long-term research into the relationships between the sound and the visual form of music, and into the influence music, language and scenography can have on each other and how they can form a composition together.

• Following her much appreciated performance ONE. solo by Lisa Verbelen (2015), Lisa creates ALL. within BOG., the collection of theatre makers Judith de Joode, Benjamin Moen, Sanne Vanderbruggen and Lisa Verbelen. BOG. is driven by the longing for an overview, for naming, folding out, zooming out, rearranging, categorizing and summarizing of all the things that we humans try to capture but are too big to grasp. Like life, opinions, or believing. Lisa graduated from the performance department of the Toneelacademie Maastricht and from the master in music theatre T.I.M.E. at the Royal Conservatory The Hague. ONE. solo by Lisa Verbelen was nominated in 2016 for the most important Dutch price for new theatre makers, the BNG Bank Nieuwe Theatermakersprijs 2016, and it won the price for Best Vocal Design at the 35th Fadjr International Theatre Festival 2017 in Teheran, Iran. Lisa received an Operadagen Rotterdam 2018 Award for her ‘special addition to the genre music theatre’.


“Lisa Verbelen is a remarkable musical performer. (...) Her renderings on stage are intimate, lucid, decisive. She calls out the complexity of all things, which is then translated into a comprehensible score for her audience.”  – Operadagen Rotterdam Award 2018

concept & performance Lisa Verbelen | supervising director Suze Milius | dramaturgy Roos Euwe | stage design & construction Merijn Versnel | light design David de Joode | technician Timo Merkies & Thierry Wilders | company manager Anne Baltus | producer Eva Banning | marketing Frédérique Donker | production BOG. & Het Zuidelijk Toneel | coproduction d e t h e a t e r m a k e r, deSingel & De Brakke Grond

DURATION : 60 min.
LANGUAGE : English