The first talk shows aired in the 1950s and they have determined the evening rhythm in many living rooms ever since. The content of the fixed format – an amiable host talks to guests in a specific décor – is a fine reflection of the zeitgeist in which such shows were conceived. But the invention of the internet has definitively pushed the format into decline. To Suze Milius, this end symbolizes the end of her youth, which was so marked by these programmes.
In TALK SHOW, she bids them farewell. It is a production about letting go of the big and the small. It is both a retrospective and a look ahead into the future, an attempt to ascribe value to everything that gradually disappears, and an ode to the details of our existence.
• The Brussels-Dutch theatremaker Suze Milius consistently holds up an alienating mirror to her audience by placing everyday situations in a theatrical setting. She creates colourful universes in which she combines her love of absurd humour with a stylized aesthetic. In 2017, she presented her location-based project HUIS at Kaaitheater.
Hoe je het publiek uit zijn kot lokt - een interview met Suze Milius in Bruzz
concept, regie Suze Milius | van en met Stefan Jakiela, Nora Ramakers, Janneke Remmers, Kasper Vandenberghe, Lisa Verbelen | concept, dramaturgie Daan Milius | muziek Hendrik Lasure | scenografie Janne Sterke | kostuumontwerp Johanna Trudzinski | tekstbijdragen Magne van den Berg | artistiek advies Piet Menu | grafisch ontwerp Team Thursday | productie Het Zuidelijk Toneel, House Crying Yellow Tears | coproductie d e t h e a t e r m a k e r, deSingel, Via Zuid