Habeas Corpus
God damn it, we’re going to make something up
'Unreliable experts claim that we are currently experiencing the worst millennium ever – even worse than the one that featured the Crusades and the Hundred Years’ War. The situation is hopeless, even more hopeless than last time. The enemy is undefeatable, even more undefeatable than last time. Our freedom is at stake, even more so than last time. Our values and standards are under pressure and we must protect them with our lives, but it is not necessary to die for them. Our opponents are many in number, but fortunately they are in the minority. And the only thing that we can come up with is more of the same.
Fuck it.
God damn it, we’re going to make something up. We’re going to make up some fantastic things and try them out, because history has only just begun. Because this is not the best that we can come up with. More and again and better.'
• After Otaku (selected for the Theaterfestival), In Onaanvaardbare Staat (selected for the Sabam Awards) and Attack of the Killer Z, Joost Vandecasteele returns to the Kaaistudios with a solo project: a mix of theatre and stand-up comedy. In the meantime, his much-lauded fifth book Jungle appeared in 2016.
tekst en spel Joost Vandecasteele | foto Geertje De Waegeneer