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Ecopolis 2016

book presentation

Power, politics and chocolate

As an annual rendezvous for those working on a sustainable future, this latest Ecopolis starts out from the question ‘what can we do about the current ecological challenge, and by what means?’

The concepts of power and politics also involve chocolate: as a reference to human desire, to the human being behind the systems. Moreover, the global chocolate market makes the separation of power and politics painfully tangible.


> David Van Reybrouck Belgian author and founder of the Brussels Poetry Collective and the G1000 Citizens’ Summit
> Joris Luyendijk Dutch author, news correspondent, talk show host
> Natalie Eggermont emergency doctor, moral philosopher and climate activist
> Mamadou Bamba foreign minister of Côte d'Ivoire from 2003-2006
> Niko Paech German economist, professor at the University of Oldenburg, researches in the fields of environmental economics, ecological economics and sustainability science
> Wannes Cappelle singer, musician, actor
> Annelies Verbeke author
> Warda El-Kaddouri literature science researcher at the University of Ghent
> Bart Staes member of European parliament for Groen
> John Thackara founder of Doors of Perception and author of How To Thrive In The Next Economy
> Karel Verhoeven editor in chief of De Standaard
> Jonathan Holslag professor of international relations at the VUB, author of China’s Coming War with Asia (2015)
> Olivier De Schutter professor of international human rights law, European Union law and legal theory at the UCL, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food from 2008-2014


11:00 > Power and Europe
with Joris Luyendijk, Bart Staes, Jonathan Holslag and Nina Holland. Moderator: Annelies Beck

12:30 > What after Paris COP21?
with Karel Verhoeven, Natalie Eggermont and Faiza Oulahsen

14:00 > Chocolate
with Mamadou Bamba, Isabelle Quirynen and Olivier De Schutter

15:30 > Enough
with Niko Paech, John Thackara and Wannes Cappelle. Moderator: Jan-Frederik Abbeloos

17:00 > Citizens in the world
with David Van Reybrouck, Annelies Verbeke, Warda El-Kaddouri and Jeroen Olyslaegers

The conversations in this activity will be held in Dutch only – no translation available!

12:30 > Transition Initiatives and poverty: a logical but difficult tandem?
How to make these initiatives more inclusive and tailored?
With Pascal De Bruyne (UGent), Erik Béatse (Samenlevingsopbouw Vlaams-Brabant) and Sabien Meeremans (Letsgroep Oostende). Facilitator: Caroline Croene (Vormingplus Oostende-Westhoek)

14:00 > Citizens take the world in their hands!
LETS groups, Repair Cafes and community gardens are sprouting globally and locally. Where and how to start a transition initiative? What are the first steps to take?
Facilitator: Stefaan Segaert (Vormingplus Waas-en-Dender)



11:00 > Docu: Les Liberterres
For farmers from different countries propose alternatives to agro-industry, convinced that with their approach they can feed 9 billion people in 2050 within the limits of carrying capacity of the earth. Is their dream realistic? The screening will be followed by debate with the director Paul-Jean Vranken.

12:30 > Book Salon
The Book Salon will happen in Dutch only! Authors of recent eco-publications share their vision about the current ecological challenges.

13:30 > Docu: Oratorium zonder doel
Een eigenzinnig beeld op de thematiek rond Doel vanuit het standpunt van de inwoners. Met in de hoofdrollen de stichter van Doel 2020, de voorzitter en een onteigende boer. Nagesprek in aanwezigheid van de regisseur Manu Riche.

16:00 > Chocolate Tasting
Bittersweet is a chocolate company specialized in original chocolate. Depending on the origin of the cocoa beans, you will appreciate variety of tastes.

17:00 > Docu: Demain
How to avoid the ecological catastrophe? With this starting point directing duo Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent meet pioneers in alternative agriculture, energy production, economy, democracy and education in ten countries. By bringing together positive initiatives, the film discovers how the world of tomorrow could look like.

Full programme and timetable at

organisation Het Groene Boek vzw | partners, Broederlijk Delen, Crosstalks, Denktank Oikos, Etopia, Kaaitheater, Kunstenpunt/Flanders Arts Institute, Oxfam, Passa Porta | in association with Vormingplus | cofunded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, GEF and Triodos | support De Standaard

LANGUAGE : Dutch English French
Presented by
Kaaitheater Imagine 2020