De Grote Oorlog - cancelled
Both shows have been cancelled due to planning problems.
Letters from soldiers
The Great War by Hotel Modern may be performed in a theatre, but you feel like you’re on a miniature film set. The landscapes of the western front have been recreated in miniature with sawdust, rusty nails, soil, parsley and other props used to create special effects. The images are filmed and projected life-size. Composer Arthur Sauer creates the live ‘sound effects’ and the soundtrack for the haunting images. The texts are based on authentic testimonies and letters from soldiers revealing ordinary, occasionally intimate or shocking things about life at the front.
• The Rotterdam theatre company Hotel Modern appeared in Kaaitheater in 2008 with, amongst other things, KAMP, an impressive and truthful performance about the Holocaust. The group fuses visual art, puppetry, music, film and performance in visual performances. The Great War has been a part of their repertoire for more than ten years and has been performed in countries including Germany, England, France, China, Russia, Singapore, the US and Canada. The performance has won several prizes and was filmed by ARTE in 2002.
concept Herman Helle, Arthur Sauer | beeld, decors, special effects Herman Helle | geluidsconcept en live gerauschmacher Arthur Sauer | scenario en spel Pauline Kalker, Arlène Hoornweg, Herman Helle | verhaalontwikkeling, montage, eindregie Pauline Kalker | brieven en teksten soldaat Prospert Eyssautier, Max Beckmann, Erich Maria Remarque e.a. | techniek Joris van Oosterhout met dank aan Edwin van Steenbergen | modelleerwerk hoofden veteranen en stervend paard Cathrin Boer
A House on Fire co-production; with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union