Ode aan de man
The production Ode aan de man by Laura van Dolron has been cancelled for reasons of health.
The stronger sex
It is not only women who should be given tips and tricks in glossy magazines. Men too have a right to answers to their questions about how to be a man, lover, father, friend or human being.
Why are there international women’s days and none for men? Why is being a woman made into such a problem, even though it can’t be easy to live life as a man either? Why are women always celebrated in art while men are given very little praise? Based on her great love for the stronger sex, Laura van Dolron, as a woman, takes on the challenge of remedying this situation. She pays tribute to men, but to a different man every evening. Consequently, each night brings a different performance and may well turn out to be a rough battle of the sexes, a dreamy duet or a romantic comedy.
• The Dutch stand-up philosopher Laura van Dolron writes, directs and performs in her own performances, in which sophisticated humour goes hand in hand with deeper, important questions about the world we live in.
coproductie Het Nationale Toneel (Den Haag) & Laura van Dolron