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Midday and Eternity (the time piece)


With Midday and Eternity (the time piece) choreographer Eleanor Bauer creates the closing piece of a trilogy that started with A Dance for the Newest Age (the triangle piece) and Tentative Assembly (the tent piece)

The triangle-tent-time trilogy is rooted in an ontology of dance as a synthesis of many facets of experience and intelligence. The three pieces challenge the modern delineation of science, politics, and spirituality as three separated spheres of truth production, adopting one of these three corners of understanding at a time as a vantage point from which to look back at the tripartite whole.

Considering the major unknowns of the future and spirituality, Midday and Eternity looks straight into the middle of a lifelong practice of dancing and making dances for the blind spot within the familiar that holds the key to its entirety. Rather than searching for new or undiscovered territories in the untouched corners beyond the known, Midday and Eternity digs deep into what we know very well in order to discover what might have been hiding right under our noses all along.

The triangle-tent-time trilogy

A Dance for the Newest Age (the triangle piece) works through scientific models of the visible and invisible world to organize the movements of many bodies as one, Tentative Assembly (the tent piece) emphasizes the political nature of choreography as an organization of people's movement together activated through the relationship between individual and collective, and Midday and Eternity (the time piece) approaches the spiritual within dance as a practice connecting singularity and universality, emphasizing "the dancing, not the dancer" as the driving force.

The trilogy also concerns and defines itself in time: A Dance for the Newest Age reconsiders the past as a kind of contemporary,  Tentative Assembly negotiates the present through our engagement with each other in the here and now of live performance, and Midday and Eternity approaches the future by way of Eternal Recurrence, placing the dancing body's relationship to the future in its production of predictability, potential and continuity. The Midday that opens up to Eternity is the timeless center of a daily practice that connects at once past, present and future, continuously generating new futures in its engagement with the present.


‘Six fine dancers put the imagination to work (and sometimes on the wrong track). At full speed.’ – De Morgen on A Dance for the Newest Age (the triangle piece)

concept, directionchoreography Eleanor Bauer | choreography & performance Rebecka Stillman, Cecilia Lisa Eliceche, Naiara Mendioroz | music  Chris Peck | costumes Ada Rajszys | scenography 88888 | lighting Bardia Mohammad | documentation, filming Robbrecht Desmet | photography Reinout Hiel | production Caravan Production for GoodMove (Brussels) | co-production Kaaitheater, BUDA (Kortrijk) | in collaboration with Festival Latitudes Contemporaines (Lille), Vooruit (Gent) | residencies SIN Culture Center (Budapest), PACT Zollverein (Essen) | support the Flemish Authorities, The Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region (VGC) | Eleanor Bauer is artist in residence at Kaaitheater | special thanks Nathan John, The Wild Unknown