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The Search Project XL


To celebrate their 20th anniversary, Tristero is presenting a super-deluxe version of its marvellous Search Project. For this highly-acclaimed 2010 production this Brussels collective sifted through thousands of wanted ads found in newspapers dating from the 18th century to the present day and on the Internet. Mankind is truly in search of everything: friendship and sex, work, collector’s items, lost animals etc. Tristero exposes this universal quest and turns it into a witty and heart-warming performance.

This XL version that will be performed just once, promises to be historic: a tango orquestra from the music academy of Sint-Agatha-Berchem is taking part and for the first time members of Kaaitheater staff will be on stage. Curious about our director’s secret wishes? So are we! Come and see!

● Over the years, the Brussels collective Tristero has built up a fine repertoire of performances. They have presented pointed comedies and powerful, well-made plays, highly individual adaptations of prose and also attractive movement theatre, as well as mixtures of all these. Moreover, in their ‘serious’ pieces there was always room for laughter. Classic items in their repertoire include Abigail’s Party (2004) by Mike Leigh and the wordless Living (2008). In early 2012 they surprised us with Reset, a hyper-realistic, slightly unsettling comedy set in a newspaper shop.

Ik ben dus Melissa, een meid die houdt van plezier maken. Ik heb een vriendje maar ben hem wat beu. Misschien dat ik via deze weg iemand nieuw kan leren kennen om hem te vervangen?

Coucou, moi c Laura, 24 ans, jolie jeune fille très à la page, désire renc. ami lui offrant large superflu et abonnement à une société de golf dans la banlieue.

Can you help me? I'm looking for a movie where scorpions are killing a lady, but that’s all I remember. Anyone?

A Feast For All Seasons
We shall say goodbye to the old season and hello to the new. And we shall do it with a festive evening. At 7pm we start with a short introduction to the programme for 2013-14. Afterwards you can once again watch Tristero’s wonderful Search Project in the main theatre and in a XL version. And finally, we take our leave of 12-13 with a wild party in Kaaicafé.


tekst & regie/texte & mise en scène Peter Vandenbempt | co-regie/ co-mise en scène Myriam Van Imschoot, Youri Dirkx, Kristien De Proost | met/ avec Serpil Akgün, Mo Amini, Simon André, Nimatoulaye Barry, Tierno Barry, Lara Barsacq, Annelore Crollet, Karen De Cooman, Kristien De Proost, Ann De Ridder, Youri Dirkx, Lorenza Goos, Nino Glickman, Guy Gypens, Katelijne Meeusen, Camilo Pée, Nelson Polfliet, Fatima Raklih, Pierre Sartenaer, Yvan Temino, Iris Van Cauwenbergh, Emma Vandenbempt, Liza Vandenbempt , Nele Van den Broeck, Hugo Vanden Driessche, Lieselot Vanhoof, Katleen Van Langendonck, Paul Van Santvoort, Valerie Vernimme, Johan Wambacq, Tanja Wentzel, Lana Willems, Hilde Wils, René Wynants | muziek/musique tango-orkest muziekacademie St-Agatha-Berchem o.l.v. Chris Carlier - Katoo Baeten , Nathalie Bosch , Jan Bultheel , Fien Carlier , Karel De Knopper, Heidi Masschelein, Bart Onsia, Yves Scuflaire, Mieke Strynckx, Annick Vandeneynde, Pato Vankeirsbilck, Kerlijne Van Steen, Sofie Watté | techniek/ technique Hans Meijer | technische ondersteuning van het Kaaitheater/ soutien technique du Kaaitheater Mark Bisaerts, Inne Box, Guy Peeters, Chris Segers | productie/ production Tristero | coproductie/coproduction Kaaitheater | met dank aan/ remerciements à Lus Baleci, Piet De Koster, Erna De Raes, Wanda Horemans, Wati Koesharto, Jonas Maes, Miriam Rottiers, Geertje Terlaeken, Marianne Van Kerkhoven