Liga, 50% reward and 50% punishment. Liga starts with video recordings from the moment immediately after the performance. Backstage, the actors talk enthusiastically about the piece they have just performed and the tremendous rehearsal period that preceded it. Disappointments are professionally smoothed over and any setbacks denied.
Then comes the performance. We go back in time. We see five characters in this live flashback: directionless, young and playful. Unfortunately, the human need for attention and affirmation makes them open to manipulation. They learn about socially acceptable behaviour in a jumble of upbringing and training. They dash their way through this learning process with feigned conviction and acquired spontaneity. All five of them learn to ‘pretend’ and are successful in applying it, as was already apparent in the video.
Kassys has existed for eight years now, and makes theatre and video performances that enable the audience to observe the mechanisms of human behaviour. Hidden messages in our communications are exposed with self-mockery and subtlety.
interprétation Thijs Bloothoofd, Harm van Geel, Esther Snelder, Marc Stoffels et Willemijn Zevenhuijzen
concept & mise en scène Liesbeth Gritter
assistance à la mise en scène & coordination Mette van der Sijs
jeu & technique Klaas Paradies