Police brutality
Eli Mathieu-Bustos’ Have a Safe Travel urges us to reflect further on the impact of systemic police violence in our society. Want to know more? On our website, you can also find more info about helping victims’ families in Brussels, collectives against police violence, films, books, podcasts... We are constantly adding to this list and are open to your suggestions.
Families of the victims of police violence in Brussels:
Justice pour Sourour: https://www.instagram.com/justicepoursourour_/ or https://justicepoursourour.org/
Justice pour Ibrahima: https://www.instagram.com/justice_pouribrahima/
Justice pour Medhi: https://www.instagram.com/justicepourmehdi/
Justice pour Adil: https://www.instagram.com/justicepouradil/
Justice4Mawda: https://www.instagram.com/justice4mawda/
Justice pour Imad: https://www.instagram.com/justice.pour.imad/
Justice pour Lamine Bangoura: https://www.instagram.com/justice_pour_lamine_bangoura/
Collectives, activists, books, podcasts...:
Police Watch Belgium: https://www.instagram.com/police_watch_belgium/ or https://policewatch.be/
'Quand la police tue', 61', documentary by Cecilia Guypen on families who lost loved ones as a result of police brutality
'Minder politie?' - a podcast on police violence in Belgium: https://www.minderpolitie.be/
Outils solidaires contre les violences policières or OSVP: https://www.instagram.com/osvp_collectif_bxl/ or https://www.osvp.be/
'No More Police: A Case for Abolition', by Mariame Kaba, Andrea J. Ricthie,... https://thenewpress.com/books/no-more-police
'Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police', by Mariame Kaba: https://abolition-is.com/mariame-kaba-abolish-the-police
'A World Without Police', zine: https://www.sproutdistro.com/catalog/zines/organizing/world-without-police/
'Distributive Justice Zine', zine: https://humanityinaction.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020-JLF-Distributive-Justice-Zine.pdf
'Police Abolition 101', zine: https://www.interruptingcriminalization.com/police-abolition-101
'Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect?', Joe Macaré, Maya Schenwar, Alana Yu-lan Price: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/joe-macare-maya-schenwar-and-alana-yu-lan-price-who-do-you-serve-who-do-you-protect