White Innocence
Presented by Kaaitheater, deBuren & VUB
Emeritus Professor Gloria Wekker is coming to talk about the profound paradox of places like the Netherlands, Belgium, and other countries with a colonial past: the emotion and aggression that race incites among the white population, while at the same time, race and racism seem to be denied. She explains concepts like white innocence, cultural archive, and intersectional feminism with reference to telling current examples.
After the lecture, there will be a discussion between Gloria Wekker and Karen Celis (VUB). We´ve invited author Rachida Lamrabet, student and publicist Sabrine Ingabire (Vlaamse Jeugdraad), Bert Bultinck (chief editor Knack Magazine) en author Heleen Debeuckelaere to ask questions during the discussion.
Bert Bultinck | Heleen Debeuckelaere | Sabrine Ingabire | Rachida Lamrabet
Deze avond is toegankelijk voor personen met een gehoorbeperking. We voorzien een tolk Vlaamse gebarentaal.