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The Wonders of Multilingualism


Wanted: Sixty people who deal with multilingualism in their daily, professional lives or in their artistic practice and who would like to discuss this with each other.
You can register soon register here.

Last year Passa Porta and Kaaitheater organised an evening of discussions on 'multilingualism' with writer Sulaiman Addonia and theatre maker Ahilan Ratnamohan. For the remainder of this series, we will let the audience set the agenda. The initial question reads: What are the hot topics and opportunities around multilingualism that we should pay attention to right now? The evening will be moderated by an experienced facilitator of the Open Space conversation format, a proven method of giving all attendees the right to speak.

Dear multilingual person,

Are you someone who has to deal with multilingualism on a daily basis - in your personal, professional or artistic life? Would you like to talk about this with others? Then this is just the thing for you.

Together with you, we want to give shape to a series of programmes on multilingualism from the 'bottom-up'. It is with great pleasure that we invite you to this special evening where we will actively work on this subject that affects all of us so deeply.

Last year, Passa Porta and Kaaitheater organised an evening of discussion entitled The Wounds of Multilingualism, with writer Sulaiman Addonia and theatre maker Ahilan Ratnamohan. The discussion afterwards showed that many spectators, artists, teachers, students and parents felt like continuing this project. For the continuation of this series, we therefore decided to start with the subjects offered by the public.

That is exactly what we are going to do on 8 February from 18hr to 22hr: bring the themes that live among all those who are strongly committed to multilingualism together and have a discussion about it.

Together, we generate input that programme makers will use in the coming year. The result? A series of programmes in which the subjects we present during this evening play a leading role. The initial question is the following one: What are the hot topics and opportunities around multilingualism that we should pay attention to right now?

The evening will be moderated by an experienced facilitator of the Open Space conversation format, a proven method that allows people to engage in a conversation in an interactive and efficient way about topics that are important to them at that time. Everyone has a right to speak, everyone can contribute. A few simple rules of the game allow us to move around freely and achieve a common result.

During the evening, a buffet will be offered at a price everyone can afford. This way we can start and finish together on time.

Open Space is a very open form of work in which we radically embrace anything that comes up. But of course, we would really appreciate it if everyone stays until the end.

We take the different languages of those present into account. Although basic knowledge of Dutch, French or English is necessary, we provide the necessary language support and invite all participants to play an active role.

Would you like to join us?

Sign up here!

Yours sincerely,

Passa Porta and Kaaitheater


#multilingualism is a series by Passa Porta and Kaaitheater. In February you can enjoy Ahilan Ratnamohan's new monologue at Kaaitheater. In Alle woorden die ik nog niet kon knew he reports on the disciplined process of expanding his Dutch vocabulary. Passa Porta is looking forward, among other things, to cooperating with the Asmara-Addis Literary Festival (in Exile), set up by Sulaiman Addonia, who has plans to organise a genuine multilingual parade through Brussels.

DURATION : 240 min.
LANGUAGE : Multilingual
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Presented by
Kaaitheater Passa Porta