A Farewell to Melancholy Desires
To say goodbye is to let go. With her ritual A Farewell to Melancholy Desires, drag queen Olympia Bukkakis wants to help you break your melancholic attachments to the Kaaitheater building as it was and is and let go of all your unfulfilled wishes. The ritual makes use of mirroring, arbitrary restrictions, intimacy and acknowledged fictional realities. At the same time, as a participant, you are invited to transform your melancholic desires and focus on the possibilities of the new building.
• Queen of the Heavens and of the Earth, Empress of Despair, and Architect of Your Eternal Suffering, Olympia Bukkakis is a drag queen, choreographer, moderator, and writer living and working in Berlin. Her practice is situated within, and inspired by, the tensions and intersections between queer nightlife and contemporary dance and performance.