Theatre For the Children of the Future – final talk
This How to Live and Work Now? working group invites you to participate in a fable making game developed in conversation with children between 8-11 years. Adya from Mumbai, Ilhan from Bangalore, Dunja from Beirut, Yahya from Athens, Klára and Juli from Budapest, and Léon from Brussels come together across time zones and join from their indoor spaces with a window and door.
Together we will play and create a fable that we think (or hope? or imagine?) will be relevant for children who are not yet born. You will learn about their process and toolkit, and then be invited to an open conversation. Not only makers, educators and their children are welcome, but anyone who is interested in futures as seen through the fables of these young authors. Find a comfortable spot and join them on Zoom!
Voor volwassenen en kinderen tussen 8-11. Het gesprek verloopt in slow English, met ruimte voor vertaling naar andere talen.
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