Pièce per CINQUE [COVID version]
Due to today’s socio-economic reality, the world knows massive migration flows of people. Pièce per Cinque is an artistic research and multidisciplinary dance performance about the encounters between ‘new’ and ‘old’ citizens.
choreography/movement Andrea Gallo Rosso | music/video Andrea Cauduro | in collaboration with Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza Scenario Pubblico | with the support of CEDAC Sardegna - multidisciplinar regional circuit | within the project choreographic residencies Lavanderia a Vapore, La Factory – théâtre de L'Oulle de Avignone | thanks to INTERPLAY Festival, CROSS Project
Gezien de uitzonderlijke omstandigheden die het coronavirus met zich meebrengt, richt WIPCOOP BXL zich op professionals. Voor inschrijvingen en vragen kan je terecht bij Mulanga Nkolo.