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An infinite project about and in finitude


The first outpatients’ clinic for supportive and palliative care TOPAZ (VUB) (founded by Wim Distelmans) offers support to patients with incurable disease and their loved ones. The Kaaitheater is supporting their three-year artistic-participative project IN/FINITY, in which artists and the guests/patients at the centre engage in dialogue on the theme of (in)finity. It is not unthinkable that some of the participants will never see the artistic end result. You will see a glimpse of their method and process, half way through.

To close the evening, the artists will debate scientists and one another about transhumanism, the importance of touch in art and caregiving, the effect of breathing on wellbeing, and the power of the imagination when ill. In a mix of exhibitions and discussions.



17:00 > 19:40 (continuously, 20 min.) Emi Kodama
Performance: It begins at the tip of your pencil

Using blind drawings and the power of a simple story, Emi Kodama’s performance invites you to a trip around your imagination. The Canadian artist explores the everyday through short stories that are depicted in performances, installations, video, sound, photography and drawings.

17:00 > 17:30 Mike Schmid/Ictus    
Performance: Breathcore

A Breathcore is a choir that sings without a conductor or score, and which explores various forms of collectiveness through breathing – the sound, the vibration, the tactility. The performers’ breathing resonates and creates a hazy field of breathing landscapes.

18:00 > 19:00 Jorge León & TOPAZ
Book presentation: AND?

Making a good portrait of someone is a way of bringing them home, whether it be in written, photographic or painted form. Twelve TOPAZ guests explore their self-image.

The book will be presented by Flemish Minister for Culture Sven GatzJorge León, Wim Distelmans, Marc Noppen, Caroline Pauwels, and the (artistic) collaborators, guests and volunteers at TOPAZ.

19:30 Vera Tussing   
Try out Staging Encounters: Tactile Quartet

Much of Vera Tussing’s work has focused on the magic hidden in movement and touch. She and her team invite the guests of TOPAZ to discuss and experiment around modes of situating the audience within a theatrical experience. She will be sharing excerpts from these processes.

20:30 the artists of IN/FINITY

Om niet te gronde te gaan. Persoonlijke notities bij IN/FINITY
by Rudi Meulemans
Panel discussion A road map for artistic practices in (health)care
with Jorge León, Rudi Meulemans, Emi Kodama, Vera Tussing, Michael Schmid, prof. Free De Backer (moderator).

LANGUAGE : English
Our Daily Death

In onze Westerse cultuur wordt dood en sterven doorgaans bekeken vanuit angst en ontkenning. Tijdens Our Daily Death keren we de medaille om. We nodigen kunstenaars en wetenschappers uit die de dood beschouwen als deel van ons dagelijkse leven. Hoe kunnen we de symbolen en rituelen verbonden aan rouw herdenken, zodat ze meer in het leven staan? Zodat in de toekomst deze thema’s niet enkel aan bod komen in de periode in aanloop naar Allerheiligen en Allerzielen, maar elke dag?

Beperkte capaciteit voor performances Emi Kodama & Vera Tussing. Schrijf je ter plaatse in vanaf 16:00.

Presented by
Kaaitheater Topaz