LOVE spelt backwards
Claire Croizé has borrowed her title, EVOL, from the eponymous Sonic Youth album. It is also LOVE spelt backwards, as well as being an abbreviation of ‘evolution’. Both are central concepts in this tender creation set to songs by David Bowie.
• Claire Croizé graduated from PARTS in 2000. Since then, she has been performing impressive solos and carefully choreographed group pieces. Vor Deinem Thron premiered at Kaaitheater during the 2010 edition of the Klarafestival. During the last edition of Festival Kanal, she presented the open-air performance Primitive.
concept Claire Croizé | dance Claire Godsmark, Youness Khoukhou, Emmi Väisänen, Jason Respilieux | light Jan Maertens | costumes Anne-Catherine Kunz | dramaturgy Etienne Guilloteau | production Action Scénique | co-production Kunstencentrum BUDA | support wpZimmer, STUK en Kaaitheater
Action Scénique ontvangt structurele werkingssubsidies van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap en wordt structureel ondersteund door Budakunstencentrum (Kortijk) tijdens de periode 2013-2016 |Action Scénique maakt deel uit van het Europese netwerk APAP (Advancing Performing Arts Project)