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Working Title Situation #04

Living the Image


Workspacebrussels is a workspace for new live arts in their most diverse forms. During their biannual festival Working Title Situation they invite you to discover some of the most intriguing new formats and projects artists develop in the field of performance and installation art. For this edition they occupy an empty metal factory in Ixelles (on 3rd and 4th June) and set up camp in the city centre with Beursschouwburg to explore the grounds of Tour&Taxis in collaboration with ParckFarm.

Under the title Living the Image, artists make tangible the ways in which we interact with the imagery that surrounds us. Why do certain images attract us? How do images influence us? When does our imagination come into the game? And are our imagination, perception and reality as separated as we might think they are? Come and celebrate the spirit of discovery, over two weekends of performances, installations, workshops, concerts and inspiring encounters.

Fri. 24th June 2016

18:00 Invitation Imaginaire – pt. II
20:30 Constructing Ruins
22:00 concert @ Out Loud

Sat. 25th June 2016

10:00 Invitation Imaginaire – pt. I @ ParckFarm
16:00 Invitation Imaginaire – pt. II
17:00 Football Match
19:00 Recipes for Disaster
20:30 Un Lapin, Un Rideau
22:00 concert @ Out Loud

Julian Weber – Constructing Ruins – a guided tour (60')
Julian Weber is a visual artist and choreographer based in Berlin. His latest series Constructing Ruins deals with our perception of catastrophes. What are they exactly? On what different levels can they occur? How do they influence the image we have of reality? Due to a clever reconfiguration of the classical setup of both performance and exhibition, the audience is invited on a guided tour through a constantly changing landscape of objects and bodies, questioning the reality by merging facts and fiction.

concept & development Julian Weber | music Tarren Johnson | light Annegret Schalke | scenography assistance Fabio Cirillo | performance Oliver Connew, Michelangelo Miccolis | production Andrea Keppler | in collaboration with NPN, BKM, Brut Wien, workspacebrussels

Gosie Vervloessem – Recipes for Disaster: Invasive Species (40')
Recipes for Disaster cooks up a crucial question about classification and control: are we still able to cope with chaos in our daily lives? Gosie Vervloessem uses the format of the Tupperware Party to disrupt the idea that everything can be nicely stored and hygienically put away. During a bush cinema in ParckFarm and a live demonstration in Beursschouwburg, she will share her latest kitchen experiments based on the study of invasive plants.

creation and development Gosie Vervloessem | production wpZimmer | co-production workspacebrussels, Beursschouwburg, Apass | in collaboration with VGC, Recyclart | thanks to Tine Van Aerschot, Einat Tuchman, Naomi Kerkhove, Wendy Van Wynsberghe

Maeva Cunci & Dominique Giliot – Un Lapin, un rideau (a draft) (40')
Un Lapin, un rideau takes the concern about the well-being of rabbits as a starting point for an associative trip about magic tricks, a forest and through the cosmos. There will be first draft dances, teenage bear dances, furtive dances and primitive songs. There will be known horizons and new perspectives. A performance about fragments and how to make a whole out of them that makes sense.

concept & development Maeva Cunci, Dominique Gilliot | with the support of workspacebrussels, BUDA, Théâtre de Vanves, Honoloulou

Various Artists – Invitation Imaginaire (parcours van installaties, workshops & interventies)
Invitation Imaginaire takes you on a tour of installations, workshops and interventions by artists who interact directly with their surroundings by adding new imagination or experience to it. Part I takes place in Beursschouwburg, while Part II leads you to ParkFarm. With new work by Meryem Bayram, Müge Yilmaz, Nick Steur, Roel Heremans, Elisa Yvelin, Tuur & Flup Marinus, Gosie Vervloessem, Stine Sampers, Antigone Michalakopoulou and Kosi Hidama.

Artworkers vs. Artists – the football game
To celebrate the summer, the UEFA Euro 2016, and most of all just for fun, the theatre space of Beursschouwburg will set the scene for a little game of football between artworkers and artists. On the afternoon of Saturday June 25th, we invite you to join us and defend your colours, either as player or as spectator. To set the tone, Martijn & Thomas, participants from Belgium's Got Talent, will join us with a pre-show full of football virtuosity. Want to join the game? Mail to