Schwalbe cheats
Battle arena
In the beginning the actors are gathered around the stage or, rather, around the arena. What begins as an innocent game soon degenerates into a fierce battle with a victorious winner. The line between real and unreal begins to fade disturbingly: how fragile is our civilization in reality
#tableauvivant #norisk #nowords #kteam #international
concept en spel Christina Flick, Melih Gençboyaci, Marie Groothof, Hilde Labadie, Floor van Leeuwen, Kimmy Ligtvoet, Ariadna Rubio Lleó en Daan Simons | vormgeving en techniek Joost Giesken en Dave Staring | kostuums Sarah Hakkenberg | eindregie Tim Etchells | productieleiding Joost Allema | dramaturgie Anoek Nuyens | producent Productiehuis Rotterdam | coproducenten NXTSTP, Culture Programme of the European Union, OMSK | subsidiënten SNS REAAL fonds en Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
A House on Fire presentation; with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union