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Het land Nod


The Rubens room recreated

FC Bergman is recreating the majestic Rubens room at the Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Since its opening in 1890, the museum has been home to the works of one of the greatest artists in history: Peter Paul Rubens. The central room was specifically designed for his canvases. In 2015, the room is being renovated – and the entire museum will be closed to the public until 2018.

For the company, who went to look at the stripped-down hall, it was a strange experience to see the Rubens room dismantled. It is as though the holes in the wall have pierced a hole in the reservoir of stories, which therefore feels as though it is slowly emptying out. For, as well as the artworks, the museum has been storing something else in its huge rooms all this time: a collection of human presences. An invisible archive of tranquil glances, musings and meditations. For over a century, people have been searching for repose and comfort in amongst these canvases. For an equally long time, time has stood still between these walls. And now, just as in 1944, when the first V-1 flying bomb fell on Antwerp, in the street adjacent to the museum, these walls have been opened up, and with them this exceptional, stilled time.

FC Bergman is recreating the Rubens room on location, and makes a careful attempt to staunch the wound. Het land Nod is both comical and melancholy, a sequence of powerful images inspired by the French cinema. From Jacques Tati to Jean-Luc Godard.’

 #tableauvivant #destruction #matinee #nowords #kteam

van en met FC Bergman: Stef Aerts, Joé Agemans, Bart Hollanders, Matteo Simoni, Thomas Verstraeten, Marie Vinck, Geert Goosens | geluidsontwerp FC Bergman i.s.m. Diederik De Cock | lichtontwerp FC Bergman i.s.m. Ken Hioco | productieleiding Celine van der Poel | technische productieleiding Diederik Hoppenbrouwers | techniek Ken Hioco, Niels Antonissen, Diederik Suykens, Fik Dries, Jan Palinckx | kleedster Monique Van Hassel | uitvoering decor Jan Palinckx, Patrick Jabobs, Carl Sneider, Bram Rombouts, Sam Verdonck, Marjan Verachtert, Jolien Degrave, Gaby Martins Mateus, Menno Vandevelde, Frederik Liekens | props Maarten Wagemans | uitvoering kostuum Monique Van Hassel, Erna Van Goethem, Christiane De Feyter | productie Toneelhuis | met dank aan PRG Belgium, AGFA Graphics, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen (KMSKA) | met dank aan Bruno Claessens, Vic Leyten, Artes, Lukas Art, Wim, Nathan, Guido, Geert Rondolez, Kunsthuis Opera Vlaanderen Ballet Vlaanderen, Anne Floren, Eric Lambrechts, Jurgen en Gino, Stad Antwerpen, Dominique Alpaerts, Karl Devijver, Brandweer Antwerpen, Koen van Loovren, Vanessa en Andre, Bart Van den Eynde, Elsemieke Scholte, Oscar Van Rompay, Hilde Van Mieghem , An-Marie Lambrechts, Guy Cassiers, Liesbeth Gruwez, Senjan Jansen, Lies van Pelt, Miranda Holpfalzel, KBC, AG Vespa, Boma, Six Inch, Marc Hermans – BPA, Carl Onghena – OsteoMortsel, Daan Verzele, Lieve Slabbinck, Stijn Slabbinck en Fish Eye, Aaron Malinsky, Ann Tilman, Fabienne Beernaert, Brian Collins, Joe, Dries en Stef bij PRG, Devrim van de buurtsporthal, Michel Legrand, Peter Apers, Paul Schrijvers, Jos Deraedt, Wim Van der Steen, Tania Govaerts, Françoise Verbeeck, Mieke Rosier, Gerry Peeters, Marcia Stessens, Bie Van Pottelberghe, Lies Lavrijse, Lot Beghin, Kristin Hex, Maya Van Puymbroeck, Kristel Marcoen, Quinten Onghena, Elias Oudermans, Warre Nuytens, Luca Nuytens, Kamiel Roets, Anders Chiarenzo, Julia Goedemé, Lou Chiarenza, Liv Zeegers, Mila Oudermans, Dorien Vanmechelen, Geert Goossens, Xianjuan Ma, Li Yue, Grace, Dan, Joe, Keith, de hele Toneelhuisploeg

DURATION : 90 min.
LANGUAGE : Unspoken
How to get there?

Openbaar vervoer
Tram 25, 92, 94
Bus 65, 66 + bus De Lijn 270-271-272-358
Metro 2, 6

Parking (beperkte plaatsen!)
"Sainte Marie La Sagesse”: Haachtsesteenweg 164,1030 Brussel
parkeerticket: 2 euro