The Great Warmachine
Using words like bullets, Robbrecht throws himself uninhibitedly into the struggle, with no illusion that we shall ever be able to manage without war. He draws inspiration from an army of contemporary futurists, entrepreneurs and electro-technicians who are already waging the smouldering war in all its forms on the internet. A performance that’s infectiously intoxicating.
tekst en regie Joachim Robbrecht | van en met Aitana Cordero, Tashi Iwaoka, Louis van der Waal | dramaturgie Nina Aalders | advies Bruno Listopad | decor Jan Brokof | kostuum Rebekka Wörmann | licht André Goos | muziek Steve Martin Snider | zakelijke leiding Denise Harleman | communicatie en marketing Christel van Schagen | productie Lique van Gerven | techniek André Goos & Denzo