12 more films by Grace Schwindt
The work of Grace Schwindt (1979) explores aspects of historical events with an emphasis on social relations blurring the borders between fiction and non-fiction. The German born, London based artist attempts to clear institutionalized spaces from meaning and to deconstruct narrative structures, well knowing these spaces will always stay loaded witfh social connotations.
In the context of Performatik 2015, the new film Only a Free Individual Can Create a Free Society will be premiered at the Kaaistudios. To accompany the new work, Argos has selected recent works from their collection, which will be shown at their exhibition space, alongside the exhibition Si tu veux voir le monde, ferme tes jeux.
Works on show:
Clean Air, Counterpoint 1, Counterpoint 2, Glass and Honey, Hiding, Meeting Florchen Gordon, Reading from a ribbon, Tenant, The Chair, The Content of the State, The Content of the State, The Signal