Come info-shopping at the Kaaicafé and have your portrait taken in a theatrical setting
> Welcome to the info-day for the new season (between 4-7 p.m.). We offer you a drink and tailormade advice on dance, Dutch-language and international theatre, small- and large-scale productions, experimental and ‘traditional’ work, music and musical theatre, politically and ecologically-inspired projects and much more.
> Our ticket shop will also be open.
> Make sure you drop in on our photographer. He will take your portrait in a theatrical setting for free!
> And the closing show in the 2011 Theatre Festival will be on in the Kaaitheater at 8.30 pm: Rosas’ En Atendant.
Kaaitheater, Sainctelette square 18-20, 1000 Brussels – t. 02 201 59 59