Eurovision Songfestival 1973 revisited
The Swiss artist and theatre-maker Massimo Furlan has reconstructed the 1973 Eurovision Song Contest as a performance. The television show is reproduced exactly on stage, with live commentary by several philosophers disguised as seventies musicians: they reflect on the influence of popular events on our collective imagination. A hit at the recent Avignon Festival!
● The Swiss artist and theatre-maker Massimo Furlan is no novice at this game. In Furlan/Numero 23 he reconstructed, single-handed, the Italy-Germany football match (World Cup final 1982). Recurring themes in his work are memory and biography. He prefers to examine events in popular culture, and does so very seriously and with dedication, in radical performances that nevertheless have wide public appeal.
Press quotes on 1973
‘(…) car cette tentative de dialogue entre culture et divertissement est stimulante et l’ironie de Massimo Furlan est contagieuse.’ – La Libre Belgique
with Anne Delahaye, Stéphane Vecchione, Massimo Furlan | interventions by Marc Augé, Bastien Gallet, Serge Margel | direction Massimo Furlan | dramaturgy Claire de Ribaupierre | scenography Antoine Friderici, Massimo Furlan | light design Antoine Friderici | music Stéphane Vecchione | musician Daniel Perrin | sound Philippe de Rham | stage manager Thomas Hempler | costumes Cécile Delanoë | maquillage Julie Monot | co-production Numero23Prod, Festival d’Avignon, Arsenic (Lausanne), Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg, Théâtre de la Cité Internationale (Paris), La Bâtie - Festival de Genève, Gessnerallee (Zurich), Kaserne (Basel), Pour-cent culturel Migros | support Ville de Lausanne, Etat de Vaud, Loterie Romande, Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, Corodis, Fondation Artephila, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fondation Leenaards, Fondation Stanley Thomas Johnson, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, Mediathek tanz | Brussels performances supported by Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Regering (ihkv het Europese Voorzitterschap)