Kwadratur # 2 / Transfo
Sensual experience
Eric Sleichim and BL!NDMAN once again explore the limits of the concert experience. The central idea for this project is transformation. Pieces intertwine: ancient and contemporary music, known and unknown, familiar and unfamiliar, they all fit together into a kaleidoscopic, sensual experience. For the occasion, Luc Brewaeys has composed seven modules which undergo constant metamorphosis in the course of the performance.
programme: George Antheil, Luc Brewaeys, Dietrich Buxtehude, William Byrd, Michael Finnissy, Philip Glass, Heiner Goebbels, György Ligeti, Alvin Lucier, Conlon Nancarrow, Steve Reich, Kaija Saariaho, Eric Sleichim, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Anton Webern, John White, Matthew Wright ...
concept & direction Eric Sleichim | new composition commissioned by
BL!NDMAN Luc Brewaeys | BL!NDMAN [sax] Koen Maas, soprano &
turntable, Roeland Vanhoorne, alto & turntable, Piet Rebel, tenor
& turntable, Raf Minten, baritone & turntable | BL!NDMAN
[drums] Ward De Ketelaere, percussion & e-guitar, Yves Goemaere,
percussion, Hannes Nieuwlaet, percussion, Ruben Cooman, percussion |
BL!NDMAN [new strings] Floris Uytterhoeven, violin & turntable,
Jennifer De Keersmaecker, violin & turntable, Ine Kuypers, viola
& turntable, Joyce Juipers, cello & turntable | BL!NDMAN [vox]
Griet De Geyter, soprano, Gunther Vandeven, counter tenor, Kevin
Skelton, tenor, Matthew Zadow bass | music dramaturge Maarten Beirens |
repetiteur bart bouckaert | light design Remon Fromont | sound
technician Jo Thielemans | light technician Brecht Beuselinck |
production BL!NDMAN (Brussels) | commission Concertgebouw Brugge, Happy
New Festival Kortrijk | co-production deSingel (Antwerpen)