Linoleum / speed
’s ochtends
is het brood
te heet
om te snijden
eet het liever ’s avonds
als het in kruimels
op je bord ligt
in een figuur gevallen
als een wolk
In 2002 Abke Haring graduated from Studio Herman Teirlinck with Nageslachtsfarce, a solo performance on her dying mother’s deathbed.
Together with the poet and theatre-maker Bart Meuleman and the sound designer Senjan Jansen, she then created Maison fragile. The story, based on Louise Bourgeois, is about a young, motherless girl who lives all alone with her father. In later works such as Kortstond and Hoop the absent figure of the parent recurs and Abke Haring works on a form in which sound (Senjan Jansen) and image (the artist Jean Bernard Koeman) play an interactive role.
In the new performance, Linoleum / speed, Abke Haring deals with ‘the family, loneliness when in forced company and the impossibility of achieving conversation’.
text Abke Haring | advice Bart Meuleman | with Abke Haring, Marlies Heuer | scenography & visuals Jean Bernard Koeman | lighting Mark Van Denesse | sound Senjan Jansen | management Natalie Schrauwen | production vzw La Résistance Ridicule (Antwerp) | co-production Kaaitheater, Toneelhuis (Antwerp), Troubleyn (Antwerp), Antigone (Kortrijk) | support the Flemish Government, Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren