De Nacht
In 1998, together with the pupils of the Maria Boodschap primary school in Brussels, the composer Walter Hus created a children’s opera about the fantasy of night and dreams. Hus is now reviving this opera with about 300 children from 6 to 13 from the Academy of Word and Music in Sint-Agatha-Berchem (Brussels), where he teaches piano. Together they turn the stage into a spectacular of sleepwalking cuddly toys, scary nocturnal shadows, wailing ghosts, knights of the night, and so on. A real children’s orchestra takes its place in the orchestra pit and plays Hus’ music with an infectious enthusiasm.
mise en scène Els Bruynseels, Nedjma Hadj
direction musicale Walter Hus (compositions), Patrick De Jonghe (chef d'orchestre)
avec les élèves de l'Academie voor Muziek & Woord Sint-Agatha-Berchem
chorégraphie Marie Rondot
film Alina Kneepkens, Gosie Vervloessem
costumes & maquillage Kristina Minnoy, Barbara Thevelin, Xenia Vanderlinden
décor Guido Vander Velpen
avec le soutien des Vriendenbond Academie Sint-Agatha-Berchem, Gemeente Sint-Agatha-Berchem, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie Brussel