150 jaar DWB
The literary magazine DWB, also known as Dietsche Warande & Belfort, has been in existence for a hundred and fifty years and therefore, with the exception of De Gids, is the oldest literary magazine in the Dutch language region. Nevertheless DWB expresses itself in a manner that is surprisingly young and versatile. As Piet Meeuse wrote in De Bezige Bij Krant newspaper, "It is an extremely dynamic and interested magazine. It pries into everything, and presents such a variety of prose and poetry that it occasionally makes your head spin. And it lards this with artists' work that is often remarkable and occasionally breathtaking. DWB is young enough to plunge into everything and old enough not to worry about thinking in terms of 'generations'."
The 150th anniversary of DWB will be celebrated with a literary night in which the writers Koen Peeters, Kamiel Vanhole, Elma van Haren, Cees Nooteboom, Peter Verhelst and Ivo Michiels will participate; the writer Saskia de Coster will present a video-performance, the poet Peter Holvoet-Hanssen will appear with the Braboshinke klezmer band and Stefan Hertmans with a jazz trio. Video-DJ Leen Derveaux will conclude the night.
A double issue of DWB will be launched for the occasion, with contributions from 150 contemporary writers who were asked to 'write fifteen lines that will still give people food for thought in 150 years' time', and a publication containing 23 notebooks by those artists who have contributed to the magazine in recent years. Finally, there will also be a 'crossover-expo' by Walter Swennen in Passa Porta commencing on 17/11.
avec Cees Nooteboom, Ivo Michiels & Peter Verhelst, Patricia De Martelaere, Saskia De Coster & video, Stefan Hertmans & een jazztrio, Elma Van Haren, Peter Holvoet-Hanssen & de klezmerband Braboshinke, Koen Peeters & Kamiel Vanhole, video-dj Leen Derveaux & Johan Cambré