Dit was Performatik19
Het zit erop. Na 11 festivaldagen is het tijd om even op adem te komen, en terug te blikken op een grote verscheidenheid aan momenten en indrukken.
Het zit erop. Na 11 festivaldagen is het tijd om even op adem te komen, en terug te blikken op een grote verscheidenheid aan momenten en indrukken.
Performatik19 was onder meer:
53 kunstenaars
97 performances
12 festivalpartners
7 salons
100 verpulverde bakstenen
36 hangmat-sessies
480 met speakers uitgeblazen kaarsen
9 afscheidsrituelen
4 vrouwelijke heiligen
48 tot leven gewekte vrouwenportretten
173 beklommen traptreden
42 uur levend onder de grond
3 meter hoge Bialetti-koffiepot
32 begraven bijen
500 mandarijnen
240 net missende vuistslagen
18 uitgepakte en weer ingepakte kunstwerken
50 verstoorde powernaps
2.500 knalerwten
800 concert-selfies
3 DJ-sets
& 1 geit
We plaatsten vier artiesten voor de camera. De Performatik-interviews met Radouan Mriziga, Jozef Wouters, Alexis Blake en Ula Sickle herbekijk je hier.
Niet alle salons mee kunnen pikken? Herbekijk ze hier.
13.03.2019 - KAAITHEATER
To open Performatik19, Tate Modern performance curator Catherine Wood discusses her recently published book Performance in Contemporary Art with artist Jimmy Robert. Curator Daniel Blanga-Gubbay moderates the conversation.
15.03.2019 - KAAITHEATER
How do artists let the story they want to tell determine if their work will become a film, a sculpture, a painting, an installation, a choreography or performance? What negotiations take place when they appropriate different disciplinary specialisms? How do they play with their spatial and temporal parameters? What is the politics of indisciplinary practices?
15.03.2019 - KAAISTUDIO'S
A discussion on art, representation, gender and race with Jimmy Robert, Courtney Henry and Alexis Blake. Moderated by Sara Jansen.
17.03.2019 - KAAITHEATER
One of the Performatik19 threads is death, loss and performativity. In March we will commemorate the 2016 attacks on Brussels. During U-Loss, Barbara Raes will develop new rituals around loss, together with six artists with very different cultural backgrounds. Pieter Van Bogaert thinks and talks about the beauty of the end. Lotte van den Berg will explore the borders between performance, therapy and politics, while IN/FINITY looks at the inter-section between care and art. This discussion is moderated by Katleen Van Langendonck.
20.03.2019 - KANAL — Centre Pompidou
A discussion on the heritage of Bauhaus with Alex Arteaga, Vladimir Miller, An Fonteyne, Radouan Mriziga and Ula Sickle. Pieter T'Jonck moderates the conversation. To start off, Veronique Boone offers an introduction on the Bauhaus movement.
22.03.2019 - WIELS
This salon explores cross disciplinary practices that draw upon conventions of the visual and the performing arts with Ula Sickle, Alexis Blake, and Noé Soulier. Moderated by Zoë Gray.
23.03.2019 - BOZAR
A discussion on performance art and art fairs with Ellen de Bruijne, Liv Vaisberg, Julie Vandenbroucke, and Sarah & Charles. Moderated by Emmanuel Lambion.