Sartre zegt sorry
The wrong kind of philosophers
Some girls fall for the wrong kind of men, but Laura van Dolron falls for the wrong kind of philosophers. Once a year, Jean-Paul Sartre pays her a visit and bombards her with philosophical rhetoric. This time, however, things turn out differently: the man wants to apologise. During the cathartic brainwashing that follows, Van Dolron broaches life’s grand themes, sparing no one in the process – neither you nor herself. If you came expecting to think, Van Dolron makes you laugh; if you came expecting to laugh, she makes you think.
Over the past few years, Sartre zegt sorry has been enthusiastically received by audiences and press alike. The performance was selected for the Theatre Festival in both the Netherlands and Flanders. In a Kaaitheater season with such a strong emphasis on philosophy, we simply couldn’t pass up this gem.
spel Laura van Dolron, Steve Aernouts | tekst & concept Laura van Dolron | dramaturgie Rezy Schumacher | begeleiding Celine Buren | lichtontwerp Gé Wegman