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Terminator Trilogy


The floundering human being

FC Bergman is one of the latest sensations in Flemish theatre. The six artists met each other at the Herman Teirlinck Institute, and each made their name separately in their TV and film work or in the visual arts. In a very short time they have together developed their own theatre idiom: anarchic and mildly chaotic (‘we must be erratic and dangerous!’), extremely expressive and poetic.
Their previous performances often focused on the floundering human being who is always trying, as in Walking Down the Champs-Elysées ... (selected for the 2010 Dutch Theatre Festival). In 300 el x 50 el x 30 el (made at the invitation of Toneelhuis) they confirmed their cinematic approach. But above all they want to ‘reconceive of theatre as a living happening, because we believe this is what it is all about.’
Terminator Trilogy is FC Bergmans’ greatest creation so far: a wordless monologue, a silent spectacle in the open air, at the dawn of the 21st century. A century in which the choices for a happy life are abundant...

A man is under the impression that he can arrange his life to suit his views and opinions, that he is at liberty to construct the world in accordance with his tastes and desires. What happens if he succeeds?
All the streets seem to lead to the same roundabout of perpetual solitude. His recklessly built constructions come crashing down on him. The infinite sky leaves him gasping for breath.

by & with Stef Aerts, Joé Agemans, Bart Hollanders, Matteo Simoni, Thomas Verstraeten, Marie Vinck, Francois Brice a.o. | dramaturgy Bart Van den Eynde | coaching Lisbeth Gruwez | sound design Senjan Jansen | costumes Judith Van Herck | production management Céline van der Poel | production assistants Sofie Cemke, Eva Kestemont, Frauke Scheldeman | set design Matthijs Kuyer, Lieven Dirckx & Fc Bergman | technique Pieter Nys, Fik Dries, Jonas Stessel, Johan De Meulder, Niels Antonissen, Hanne Dick & FC Bergman | SFX Lieven Slabbinck | production FC Bergman | co-production Monty (Antwerp), Theater op de Markt Hasselt, TAKT Dommelhof (Neerpelt), Over het IJ-festival Amsterdam, Oerol, Cultura Nova (Heerlen) & Huis van Bourgondië (Maastricht), detheatermaker (Antwerp), Toneelhuis (Antwerp) | support Vlaamse overhead, Provincie Antwerpen, Opnieuw&Co, De Kringwinkel, Nationale Loterij.
Terminator Trilogy has received a Composition and Creation aid by the IN SITU network, in the frame of the META project | co-production Theater op de Markt (Neerpelt, Belgium), Terschelling Oerol Festival (Terschellings, the Nerthelands), La Strada (Gratz, Austria); Københavns Internationale Teater (Copenhagen, Denmark) and UZ Arts (Glasgow)