Das Koor
As from this season, the Kaaitheater and the RITS will be joining forces for the presentation of graduation productions from the college’s theatre course. These productions are the final part of the Bachelor and Master courses in Acting and Directing. The RITS Stage Technicians course is also involved in them. All shows are in Dutch.
Das Koor
maakt zich op
maakt zich klaar
klettert, wankelt, stort
uit 1 borst
een amazone-tragedie
mét boventonen
zonder hoofdpersonen
door Lotte Diependaele, Femke Stallaert, Nathalie Goossens, Frederika Del Nero, Nona Buhrs | tekst Gerardjan Rijnders | techniek Kevin Gilissen | met dank aan Han Buhrs
masterproef spel van Lotte Diependaele, Femke Stallaert, Nathalie Goossens, Frederika Del Nero, Nona Buhrs
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