Sans papiers zingen de Brabançonne in de drie landstalen
In cooperation with KVS and Forum Asiel en Migraties, Rits organized on 18/03/’09 a series of artistic actions and interventions in a shipping container on the Muntplein. During one of those acts sans papiers sing the Belgian anthem in the three national languages. The originator of this initiative is Thomas Bellinck. The forgotten anthem stirs up from new voices, asking for a dignified regulation of people without passports.
door Thomas Bellinck, Hendrik De Smedt, Bader, Rachid, Mourad, Abdoulkarim, Patrick, Ibrahima, Rachid, Francis, Constance, Arne Leurentop, studenten en docenten Rits, KVS en Forum Asiel en Migraties.