Agency (founded by Kobe Matthys in 1992) compiles lists of ‘quasi things’, things that raise doubts: are they part of nature or culture, are they subject or object, the consequence of creation or of evolution? The list Agentschap presents at Wiels focuses on the notion of copyright and came about in collaboration with architects, choreographers, film-makers, painters, journalists and lawyers.
The presentation is linked to the Un-Scene exhibition.
Un-Scene 29/11/2008 > 22/02/2009, Wednesday-Saturday, 12:00>19:00 Sunday, 11:00>18:00, Wiels | € 6/4/2 (tickets only at Wiels) Exhibition of artists either Belgian or working in Belgium, of the up and coming generation. With Agentschap/Agence/Agency, Stephan Balleux, Aline Bouvy & John Gillis, Vaast Colson, François Curlet, Michael Dans, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Lucile Desamory, Vincent Geyskens, Tina Gillen, Geert Goiris, Valérie Mannaerts, Xavier Mary, Benoît Platéus, Frédéric Platéus, Jimmy Robert, Gert Robijns, Ivo Provoost & Simona Denicolai, Harald Thys & Jos De Gruyter, Heidi Voet |
Agence / Agency / Agentschap is the generic name of an agency that was established by Kobe Matthys (born 1970) in Brussels in 1992. Recent presentations include: Have the Cake and Eat it too: Institutional Critique as Instituting Practice, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, 2008; When things cast no shadow, 5th Berlin Biennial, 2008; Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System – Kunst im Zeitalter des Geistigen Eigentums, HMKV Dortmund, 2008; White Light, Düsseldorf, 2007; The film as a page of Victor Hugo rewritten in the style of Nerval, Jet, Berlin, 2007; on the way to: From/To Europe, Shedhalle, Zürich, 2006; Biennale de Paris, 2006; Mugatxoan, Fundaçao Serralves, Porto, 2006; Projekt Migration, Kölnischer Kunstverein, Köln, 2005; Put on your blue genes, NGBK, Berlin, 2005; Over de onmogelijkheid van het plannen, Stroom, The Hague, 2003; Ideas for living, SKOR, Amsterdam, 2002; Agentschap, CASCO, Utrecht, 2002.