On 2nd June, the Kaaitheater will present a new project by the four artists of the Swiss PAK collective (stands for Praxis für Angewandte Kunst). Since the start of this season Susan Hengartner, Katrin Simonett, Claudia Thiesen and Daniela Wettstein have regularly spent time in Brussels, on commission to Kaaitheater, applying their concept of ‘applied art’ to the Brussels context.
They were intrigued by a piece of open space that thousands of Brussels people pass every day: the ‘hole’ formed by the two bridges over the canal at Sainctelettesquare. It is an empty space, a specimen of Brussels non-urbanisation that once took shape on a designer’s drawing board. A no man’s land over which 1 region, 3 regional and para-regional institutions, 2 local authorities, 4 districts in 2 police zones, 5 intermunicipal utility companies and 2 companies each have their say.
2nd June: opening of the exhibition
PAK will show the results of their months of research in two ways. On 2nd June they will put on a series of performances in the course of the day: several choreographed, more or less subtle or obvious interventions in the everyday course of events at this location. The performances or 'interventions' take place at 12:30, 18:30 and 19:30. You can also follow them live on a screen in the Kaaithater foyer, where you are kindly invited to a drink at 12:30 and 18:30.
In an exhibition (in the same foyer) they will show drawings and photomontages of other interventions (not carried out or impossible to carry out). As from the second week a video record of the interventions of 2nd June will be included in the exhibition.
Avec le soutien de Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung