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Student Works 1


De laatstejaarsstudenten van de Brusselse dansschool P.A.R.T.S. – die dit academiejaar haar tiende verjaardag vierde – presenteren hun afstudeerprojecten in de Beursschouwburg en in de Kaaitheaterstudio’s.

In de Kaaitheaterstudio’s brengen zij twee programma’s, die telkens twee avonden worden gespeeld. Elk programma bestaat uit eigen werk en creaties van gastchoreografen. Een gevarieerde avond, waarin de verschillende definities van dans worden afgetast en de choreografen van de toekomst aan de publieke deur komen kloppen.

PROGRAMMA 1 // 20 & 21 juni 2006

One For One (2005)

"Our Olympic Games are not what hides the thruth of our society - it is the thruth of our society that hides the fact that there is none. Our Olympic Games are real." (Ecclesiastas)

concept en regie Andros Zinsbrowne
creatie Andros Zinsbrowne, Loan Ha, Sung-Im Her en Tarek Halaby
performance Andros Zinsbrowne, Loan Ha en Tarek Halaby
geluid Michael Floyd en Andros Zinsbrowne
licht Peter Fol
muziek North Korean National Anthem (originele soundtrack)

Day In / Day Out (2004)

Searchlight. Spotlight. Culpable. Capable. Discovered, selected, or guilty. The institutional spaces of enclosure open up a world of possible destinations for escape. Freedom exists simply in the other space, the outside-at the border of enclosure, its dimensions are limitless; all one needs is a plan to get out.
Turned inside-out, we find ourselves here, producing theater.  This black-box space of enclosure only promises endless possible worlds and lines of escape; it represents the outside- of the production of thought, self, body.  What one needs is a plan for how to break in, or else a codeword, like ‘success.’

choreografie en performance Sandy Williams en Andros Zinsbrowne
muziek Original Score, Jailhouse Rock en The Sound of Music
geluid Michael Floyd
met dank aan Marten Spangberg, Bojana Cvejic en Peter Fol

White Out (2004)

What are the dynamics involved in the construction of race, and in which contexts are they inserted and verified?
Athlete, servant, entertainer, performer, champion, victim, controlled bodies and fierce bodies, on the move, on their toes, looking over their backs, moving, shaking, hustling, ultimately domesticated by the mediums which bring these bodies into contact with ‘us’. The comedies and tragedies of popular culture rest on the possibility for these roles not to exchange, but to interchange.
The poetics of this perpetual shift between offense and defense.

choreografie en performance Andros Zinsbrowne
met dank aan Mårten Spångberg en Rudi Laermans
met sepciale dank aan Bojana Cvejic

Recreations (2005)

rec • re • a • tion n
1.  the refreshment of the mind and body, especially by engaging in enjoyable activities
2.  vt- to create something again or reproduce it


What is the difference between learning and being programmed? Between doing and running a program?  Between a body and an interface? Between a social organization and a network? How would a programmed child body behave? What sensation would this body without sensations produce?  The artificial child could be a plausibility or a sci-fi fantasy.  It could also be the poetic body of a post-humanist sentiment- how can we do and only do and not feel any necessity towards consequence?  How would the inorganic body not be a limitation or a lament but another curiosity, another field of relations and disconnections.

concept en regie Andros Zinsbrowne
creatie Femke Gyselinck, Sandra Iche, Andros Zinsbrowne en Matthieu Bajolet
performance Sandra Iché, Andros Zinsbrowne, Matthieu Bajolet en Eugenie Rebetez
met dank aan Manon & Mette, Bojana, Noa & Ina, Laura, Elizabeth, Dancing Kids, Peter & Geni

Limewire* (2006)

Youth movements, counter-cultural and sub-cultural movements have always embodied a spirit of against. In these social, political, and cultural movements, bodies of collision, reaction, and volatility have always been characteristic. 
In a choreography made from practices of networks and peer-to-peer file-sharing programs,
Limewire* questions the spirit of against when the strongest counter-cultural tool becomes the ability to copy. 
What is the status of this youth movement that disseminates authentic and inauthentic alike; which corrupts or bugs, but never dies, which never creates anew but proliferates a ‘mass movement’ only by reproducing and reassembling itself?

choreografie Andros Zinsbrowne
creatie en performance Andros Zinsbrowne, Eugenie Rebetez, Agnieszka Dmochowska, Tarek Halaby en Marc Iglesias
muziek 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' van Nirvana
geluid Peter Lenaerts
kostuums Jennifer Defays
met dank aan Xavier Le Roy, Sandy Williams, Bojana Cvejic en Sandra Iché

PROGRAMMA 2 // 23 & 24 juni 2006

>> zie Student Works 2


Over het programma dat de P.A.R.T.S.-studenten in de Beursschouwburg presenteren leest u meer op